Love Your Space Portfolio
Hi Angela,
I just need to tell you how great I feel today.....I started first thing this morning sorting and my assistant has my file folders ready and they are filling up fast.....
I am truly amazed at how much this does to my sense of control....I can't stop smiling.
You are truly amazing!
Best Regards, S. Turner
Hi Angela,
Being able to walk into my gym and have space to move... breathe... is both very motivating and calming. I'm also certain that this space clearing exercise is attracting some great energy and
opportunities into my life. Also, I'm noticing that the floodgates seem to have opened in terms of generating creative ideas for my life and business... I love it!
Hi Angela,
I wanted to thank you and Kim again for all of your help and motivation. My entrance way is neat & organized and we freed up a lot of room that we didn't think we had. Because of the added space,
I now have room for a row of hooks to be installed on the inside of the closet for my purses. :o) I also put my label maker to good use giving everyone their own bins for mitts/hats & scarves.
I am noticing that as one space is purged and cleaned, some of the overflow gets shifted to different rooms that then have to also be sorted/organized/purged. Prior to the workshop, this would
have overwhelmed me. Now, I know that the other spaces are just areas to tackle at another time. We have set up a few priorities each week to address these "problem" areas and will continue to
take one space at a time until hopefully..... I have the home I envisioned during our session. Thank you again for your guidance.
You really do make a difference in people's lives.
De-cluttering and organizing our home with Angela bore such a significant impact on our ability to come home after work and truly enjoy being at home. We've lived in our current home for three years, and for two years and eight months of that time we thought only of all the ways in which our space was insufficient and unenjoyable. Now we absolutely adore the space; I love spending time in my home and I have no desire to find a different one.
In addition to this, the transformation in our home has both enabled and facilitated progress in other aspects of our lives, including various emotional challenges. It is easy to overlook how much your space can inhibit or enable your capacity to function. I am thankful to Angela for giving me back my capacity to function.
We never in a million years would have been able to accomplish what we've been able to do with
Angela at the helm. Removing this oppressive struggle has proven a catalyst for much of the positive fulfillment we now enjoy in our lives.
Thank you. KR and DR
Thank you very much. You helped me through what has been a very difficult time. I believe that the work you did makes survival
possible. All the best, Mary.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Thank you so much! I really liked how our session went. It was actually a fun day!
I really liked working with you. You have made a big difference in my life and happiness. I have to say that after you left,
I felt crazy happy, sad, and exhausted all at the same time. But it all evened out and now I just feel great. - CB
So I thought I didn't need a Professional Organizer! Me need to organize and declutter?!
My home is organized, I can find everything I need. I really don't need someone to help me get
organized, I am organized!! Well that was my story... for everywhere in my home except my
laundry room! YES I have one room in my home where I needed help but didn't want to admit it!!
With Angela's help I've accepted that just because I had one room that needed some "special"
attention that wasn't a big deal! Angela softly guided me to declutter, get rid of things
I held on to, properly arrange items in the best space for my usage and provided organizational
solutions to fit my space. LOVE the skinny laundry basket I purchased!! At the end of our session
my laundry room looked AWESOME! I was amazed that I did have the space for "right" things,
it looked clean - as a laundry room should! and I felt rejuvenated some how! I was energized
and felt good about what we accomplished!
Whether you have one room or a few, I recommend you call on Angela. She will definitely take
the time to customize her services to fit your needs. Thanks Angela! I love my laundry room!
Never thought I would enjoy going into my laundry room and doing laundry!! You have empowered
me to stay organized and I have now realized I may need a little work with my home office. :)
I do "Love my Space"! Thank you Angela!
From: the one who did not need a Professional Organizer!
Angela the angel appeared at my door not long ago. Since that day my house has seen her gentle, easy
nature guide me in my quest to find organization in my living space. She has been my guide in the process
of sorting and organizing my living space to create a much lighter and uplifting environment. Angela has
the ability to see through the disorganized clutter. She sees what it will be like to make subtle changes
to how a space may look, and bring about a more peaceful space. Before Angela arrived to assist me, I was
stuck in the clutter, unable to see past it. Each time I would attempt to start sorting through things,
I stopped before I really even got started. I was daunted by what appeared so big I gave up before I even
got started. She has shown me the gift I give myself by taking each room, each section one at a time.
It took a long time for clutter to exist here and I was shown the gift of organization each time we worked
on a different room; one space at a time. I highly recommend Angela to anyone wanting to bring a new lighter
energy to their living space.
Thank you for the (before & after) photos, they made me laugh... It was a tiring but fabulous experience
and I enjoyed ordering items to assist me with getting even more organized.
Thank you once again!!